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Need help planning Networks Day celebrations?
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The National Day for Staff Networks is all about making an inpact. It's our day to tell everyone that "We are here" and our effort is #MakingWorkBetter
This year's theme #ReadyForChange.
1) Why not attend our conference - Go to the conference page
2) Join our mailing list for details of campaign resources
3) Take photos/videos and tweet them tagging (X) @day4networks or
@staffnetworks day on Insta, LinkedIn and Facebook
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Make the pledge, Take the selfie
Create a pledge card saying how you are #ReadyForChange
See our resource pack for a pledge card

Hop on the Hashtag
Use your social media platforms as an opportunity to spread the word.Having an online event? Use our Virtual Screen

Lights, Camera, Action
Get your network community and allies together to make reel about how networks are raising the bar in your organisation (see these videos for inspiration)
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